Sit in any beer garden in the Yorkshire Dales and you're likely to have a view to enjoy along with your beer.

But one of the best beer gardens in Yorkshire and for that matter, Britain has to be that of the Red Lion, in Burnsall. This 18th-century tavern sits in the heart of broad Wharfedale.

It's relatively sheltered which means there's an abundance and variety of greenery. If you're lucky enough to arrive when one of the riverside tables is available – the Red Lion is mad popular with tourists – you'll have an unobstructed view along the green valley, through neatly drystone-walled fields and woods.

Read more: Yorkshire's top nine free or very cheap tourist attractions you should visit

And it's all framed rather splendidly by the fells to either side. What makes the view from the beer garden at the Red Lion all the more special is the broad River Wharfe which flows about three metres from your table.

Unless there's been torrential rain, the Wharfe flows gently, almost lazily along the valley floor's gentle gradient. The river, as rivers do when the gradient causes them to slow, meanders and, if you crane your neck, you can see it meander. When the sun is bright, the light shimmers on the surface of the water.

In warm weather, you can hear kids and sometimes adults wading, splashing and swimming. Midweek and out of season, it's just the gentle babble of the Wharfe and bird song.

All this Constable-esque beauty can be appreciated with some decent cask ale and some hearty food. When we visited last, the food was good rather than great and a little pricey.

Indeed, the latest reviews are mixed – although they should be taken with a pinch of salt – but really you're paying for the view. And what a view.

The Red Lion Hotel, Burnsall, North Yorkshire, BD23 6BU

Tel: 01756 720204

Email: [email protected]

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